2020ko irailaren 29an, INNOTECS, nazioarteko lanbide heziketako ikastetxeen sareak
antolatutako webminarrean parte hartu dugu.
Hau zen gai nagusia:
"How are Technical VET schools coping with COVID-19 crisis?"
"Nola ari dira lanbide heziketako ikastetxeek COVID-19 krisia kudeatzen?"
Hauek izan ziren aurkezpenak egin zituzten ikastetxeak eta landutako gaiak:
Presentations from Croatia, Finland and Italy:
- Secondary School of Electromechanical Engineering Varaždin (Croatia) : Ratko Kovačić
- Hyria Education (Finland) : Anne Miettinen
- IIS Alessandro Volta (Italy): Patrizia Carfagna
- Apro Formazione S.c.a.r.l. (Italy) : Nicola Alimenti-Stafano Antona
a. Introduction of school
b. Responding COVID19 crisis while ensuring equity in VET education
c. Dealing with work placements and work-based learning during the COVID19 pandemic.
d. How was the new school year prepared? What was done in a different way in the new school year?
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